Health & Wellness

Blood pressure screening is an important part of your general health. A blood pressure test measures how hard your heart’s working to pump blood through your body.

Blood pressure is measured with 2 numbers. The first number (systolic) is the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. The second number (diastolic) is the pressure in your arteries when your heart relaxes between beats.

Linda Daly, RN BSN, has offered to do free blood pressure tests before the October and November meetings for any member who wants a screening. Linda will arrive for those meetings at 12:45 , so if you are interested, come a little early and Linda with give you your numbers!

Covid fraud is on the rise. Many of these fraud scams are out to obtain your Medicare number. If anyone asks for your Medicare number over the phone, or offers free services if you provide your Medicare number, hang up, it’s a scam. Here are some more tips you so you don’t become a victim of Covid fraud:

· Be aware of scammers pretending to be COVID-19 contact tracers. Legitimate contact tracers will never ask for your Medicare number, financial information, or attempt to set up a COVID-19 test for you and collect payment information for the test.

· Be cautious of unsolicited requests for personal, medical, and financial information. Medicare will not call you to offer COVID-19 related products, services, or benefit reviews.

· No one should ask for money to enhance your ranking for vaccine eligibility. Government and state officials will not call you to obtain personal information in order to receive the vaccine. Hang up on these calls.

· Do not respond to, or open hyperlinks in, text messages about COVID-19 from unknown individuals. (This is good advice for ANY hyperlinks from unknown individuals, don’t click on them).

· Ignore offers or advertisements for COVID-19 testing or treatments on social media sites.

To learn more about avoiding scams at

File of Life is a personal medical home file that you prepare for emergency responders. These packets, handed out to members, have some neat features. First, it has a large and a small red holder. The large holder has a magnetic strip that lets you hang it on your refrigerator. The smaller holder fits perfectly in your wallet. You fill them out at the same time and they will have all your emergency contact information, medical data and history, medications and dosages, and medical insurance details. The filled out files help first responders, hospital admission people and medical treatment staff know what you need and will help you get faster help in emergencies, so fill yours out today. If you didn’t receive one, contact one of the Health & Wellness chairs and we’ll get you one.